La aparición de nuevos calendarios al mercado comienza en estas fechas, y tras el calendario Pirelli 2009 y el Calendario Lavazza 2009, hoy mostramos el calendario para 2009 de Vogue, con fotografías realizadas por Terry Richardson de 14 modelos, inspiradas en el estilo pin-up de los años 50. Son fotografías sugerentes en clave alta y que demuestran la maestría de Terry.
The emergence of new calendars to the market beginning at this time, and after the Pirelli calendar 2009 and the Lavazza Calendar 2009, today we show the calendar for 2009 for Vogue, with photographs by Terry Richardson of 14 models, inspired by the style of pin-up the 50s. Are suggestive photographs in key high and that demonstrate the mastery of Terry.
The emergence of new calendars to the market beginning at this time, and after the Pirelli calendar 2009 and the Lavazza Calendar 2009, today we show the calendar for 2009 for Vogue, with photographs by Terry Richardson of 14 models, inspired by the style of pin-up the 50s. Are suggestive photographs in key high and that demonstrate the mastery of Terry.